martes, marzo 01, 2005

Old friend

Once we were inseparable. Once before we did many things toghether, class, parties, good times and bad times. We never got drunk together, and we were usually quiet when we were alone, but real friendships often end up in such a level, where you don't need to say a lot of words to get a message across, only a couple of adequatly placed sounds, maybe a look or a proper shake and that's enough get the message through.

That said, we sometimes fought. You'd scream at me when I'd push you too hard, or when you were just plain grumpy. Othertimes you'd just plain scare the hell out of me, but it never went too far, and there was always a point of return. Other times I was the one who'd slam things around and curse like mad, putting my foot down like in an old, authoritative marriage, but we always ended up in a mutual agreement. An old friend like you is a good friend, you protected me so many times from my own foolishness, and in other times, you behaved like a genuine messenger from the heavens.

In highschool we saw a lot of each other, and in the first years of college, we saw each other quite often, but as time usually does, we started to loose contact, we made new friends and suddenly we were rarely hanging out toghether. We were no longer inseparable, and even though we were at first eerily similar (we're both white, with nice voices and, at that time, equally flaccid) , all of a sudden, you looked a lot more worn out than me, I lost a lot of weight and you were still the same. And even though I promised you I'd take care of you and that we would still hang out often, this was yet another of my highschool promises that is unfulfilled at best. I saw you ocassionaly, I was (and am) intoxicated by a newer, sexier friend, but I still very much cared for you.

And I see you today, it just breaks my heart to see you hurt that badly, your skin no longer smooth, your face broken and disfigured. I need to know you'll be alright, and I think now is the time to make my old promises hold. I hope I can do so.

For my good and battered friend. Get better.

3 Comentarios:

Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

casi me haces iorar con la historia :')




8:40 a.m.  
Blogger zeroelus dijo...

jajaj...entonces si logré lo que buscaba jajajaj.

Digo, si los buenos cantautores cubanos escriben canciones de protesta como si fueran de amor, lo menos que yo podía hacer era ser remotamente emotivo :D

9:43 a.m.  
Blogger Lucia Galván dijo...

serios problemas!!!

¿ahora también le vas a hacer al escritor?

Pata y yo debimos de haberte prohibido esas amistades culturales cuando todavía tenías remedio!!!

11:38 a.m.  

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