martes, marzo 01, 2005

Mein laster

As odd as it is for me to make two consecutive posts, the previous one was a rather unexpected surprise chance/fate/destiny/etc had in store for my family today. Fortunatly no one was harmed, in case you were wondering. And no, my dad didn't screw up at the wheel, a careless worker he lent the car to was responsible for this mishap.

Some string of events I can't recall right now got me thinking about myself (this is odd for me now, isn't it?? :p). And well, I can only confess one thing.

I can be paranoid.

I can't recall when I started to be this way, but I often find myself thinking all sorts of dreadful exagerations and other things that turn to be nonsense (the problem is, they kinda make sense to me in my head for a short while). I've learned about myself and often, I just ignore those thoughts, and sure enough, a short while later, things happen that support my more relaxed posture, the problem being sometimes I feel I fall into a little loop where I go out of one just to fall again and then fall out of and so on. I'm especially prone for this posture for things in which sometimes, sense and rationale are backseat passengers at best, and one has only his feelings to trust and listen to.

But I am aware of my shortcoming and trying to improve, but while I'm still like this, I can only say I'm sorry, this is who I am, and this is one of my defects, but I am trying to be a better man.

1 Comentarios:

Blogger Lucia Galván dijo...

Creo que yo tengo algo de culpa en eso... yo y Shell y nuestro "overthinking". ¿No sera que estas sobreanalizando situaciones?
Si es así, I'm so damn sure you learned that one from me!!!! :D

11:36 a.m.  

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